Pinsky Michael
Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Bioengineering, Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical & Translational Science and Anesthesiology at the Univ. of Pittsburgh. BSc & MD, CM from McGill University in 1971 and 1974, respectively, graduating with First-Class Honours as a University Scholar. Internal Medicine residency & Pulmonary Medicine fellowship at Stanford University with additional training at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. At the University of Pittsburgh since 1981. Honors: Docteur honoris causa Université de Paris V (Le Sorbonne) in 2002, Sodalem honoris causa Czech Bohemian Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Acute Care Medicine in 2004, Professor Honoaria Universidad de Iberoamérica, San José, Costa Rica in 2010 and Master of Critical Care Medicine (MCCM) College of CCM and Honary Member European Society of Intensive Care Medicine both in 2012. Vice Chair for Academic Affairs for the Department of Critical Care Medicine and Program Director of the Department’s NRSA Research fellowship program for the past 15 years. Member of the University of Pittsburgh’s Institutional Review Board for Biomedical Research, Ethics Committee and Physicians Diversity Inclusion Committee. He is a member of the ACGME Review Board for Pulmonary & CCM. Research interests: heart-lung interactions, cardiovascular insufficiency, hemodynamic monitoring, sepsis, complexity modeling, health services research and quality of life after critical illness. Published >250 peer-reviewed papers, >220 chapters, and 25 volumes. Director of the Cardiopulmonary Research Laboratory, Editor-in-Chief of eMedicine’s CCM and on numerous editorial boards and international program committees focusing on CCM, permanent member of the NHLBI K award and LRP study sections. He has been continually funded as PI or co-PI to perform biomedical research since 1980. His present funding comes from the NIH, DOD and industry to perform translational research. Co-founder of intelomed.
de nuestro título Fisiología aplicada en medicina de Cuidado Intensivo.